Patient Stories

Neil and Lisa’s Weight Loss Success

before and after photos of weight loss patients, Neil and Lisa

Neil Testimonial:

I’ve been overweight my whole life, but over the past decade I had become more sedentary in my job as well as in my life. I initially thought I could cope with my conditions and found the best catalogue to buy clothes that fit (or so I thought), and I started down the path of treating all the symptoms of morbid obesity…I was on cholesterol medications, and had become very comfortable (aka dependent) with my C-PAP mask. Although I hadn’t yet started medications for high blood pressure or blood sugar, I was on my way.

I knew three patients of Dr. Scinta who all had great results…. and finally came to a point where I asked myself what I was waiting for. Deep down I knew one day, if I was lucky enough to not be dead, I would be faced with severe lifestyle changes – no question. The only question was whether those changes would be because of doctor’s orders after the major medical event to be named later or now or if those changes would come about on my terms, from a state of comparative wellness as opposed to an attempt to recover from something.

The best part was how quickly and fully my wife hopped onboard to take the journey with me…which has made it so much easier!

The difference between this weight loss attempt and others I had tried in the past was the support from everyone at Dr. Scinta’s practice and the relative speed of initial progress which kept motivation levels high. I can’t say enough about Dr. Scinta and her team! I have learned so much…. how and why I was caught in a cycle of overeating, exercise advice, behavior issues, nutrition, better eating and lifestyle practices, etc.

It’s hard to find what I’d call the best part of my success so far (I’m not finished, much work remains)….Yes, the weight loss (about 85 pounds so far), the clothes sizes, being able to find jeans at any store—I was in ill-fitting 46” with expandable waist but now wearing 38”—enjoying the gym, starting to bike, starting (baby steps) to run. I just completed the Shamrock Run last month….all these things have been great. But when Dr. Scinta reviewed my medical progress I was really blown away… my blood pressure was down to the low side of normal, body fat percentage, blood sugar, blood insulin levels, etc. all had decreased. This is more than appearance – this is health or non-death! Probably my favorite accomplishment is that I no longer have to sleep with my C-PAP mask!

While this hasn’t been easy, it’s certainly been worth the work. I don’t think I’ll ever consider myself finished – since weight loss can come or go – I’m trying now to integrate what I’ve learned into my new “normal”. My advice to anyone considering a similar program is that you must surrender yourself completely – a full commitment to Dr. Scinta and her team. There were aspects that I thought initially weren’t necessary or weren’t “for me”….but I just went with it and have now discovered value in much of what I initially resisted. It’s still a battle (I have to get on board with writing down what I eat….I promise Dr. Scinta…I’ll get there!), but it’s a great feeling to know that I’m in the fight as opposed to having given up and considered my weight as a lost cause.

I’m really looking forward to the upcoming summer and much more activity with my family.

Lisa Testimonial:

Six months ago, I looked and felt much different than today.  My husband, Neil, and I started with Dr. Scinta and the full meal replacement plan at the end August last year.  At that time, April seemed like a lifetime away and I thought I wouldn’t be thinner because everything else I had ever tried, practically failed or I had just given up.  But April is here and I couldn’t be happier with the results for the both of us.

One of my proudest accomplishments is the jogging routine I have started.  Jogging one mile on Thanksgiving Day, in order to “treat” myself to a little turkey and vegetables, was the first spark and the routine grew from there.  When I mentioned what I had done to some friends, they suggested I sign up for the Shamrock Run.  My reaction was just to laugh and say “yeah, right”.  Well, I ran that race on March 10th… four miles up and down the hills of Tipperary Hill while those same friends were standing at the corner of Coleman’s to support me and cheer me on.  In the end, I am off all cholesterol medicine, down 45 pounds and four pants sizes smaller. I have learned that anything is possible thanks to Dr. Scinta, her wonderful staff and support from family and friends, I am new and improved.  My only regret….waiting so long to start the program.

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12 years ago

You both have done great. I love to hear the stories about people getting off their meds and C-PAP machines.

12 years ago

Neil and Lisa,

Thank you so much for such moving testimonials! I admire you both so much, and am very proud of all that you have achieved, both from a weight loss and personal perspective.

Neil- what you said about giving up the control is so true. You were both so successful because you said, “Here I am. Work with me.” And look at you now. Keep up the great work. I will continue to be your “hover craft” as long as I can!

Lisa B
12 years ago

Hi Neil and Lisa – I am also one of Doc’s devotees 🙂

I have to tell you both what an amazing difference it is between your “then” and “now” pics! You both look easily, EASILY, 10 years younger! But that’s just a happy bonus. Your other accomplishments, the more important ones, are truly inspiring. Ditching the meds as your health improves is huge. Being able to run? Wow! And Neil, I understand the CPAP thing. Go you! Stories like yours keep me on track as I fight the good fight. And you’re right, this is a lifelong process. Keep it going!

All the best,

12 years ago

Neil and Lisa!

WOW! I am so proud of you both. I know it takes a lot of dedication. You should be proud of yourselves too. What many don’t understand is diets don’t work, it’s the way of life change that does and it seems you’ve got it.

CONGRATULATIONS! You look fabulous!

12 years ago

Neil & Lisa,

You both looking amazing! You both followed the rules and advice and because of that you got the most of it. Keep up the great work and you both will continue to shine!

12 years ago

Neil & Lisa,

You two have much to be proud of! The transformation is amazing, coming from your neighbor over the fence who hasn’t seen you all winter! I need to get on that exercise bandwagon & get healthy myself. You will be my inspiration!

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12 years ago

You both have done great. I love to hear the stories about people getting off their meds and C-PAP machines.

12 years ago

Neil and Lisa,

Thank you so much for such moving testimonials! I admire you both so much, and am very proud of all that you have achieved, both from a weight loss and personal perspective.

Neil- what you said about giving up the control is so true. You were both so successful because you said, “Here I am. Work with me.” And look at you now. Keep up the great work. I will continue to be your “hover craft” as long as I can!

Lisa B
12 years ago

Hi Neil and Lisa – I am also one of Doc’s devotees 🙂

I have to tell you both what an amazing difference it is between your “then” and “now” pics! You both look easily, EASILY, 10 years younger! But that’s just a happy bonus. Your other accomplishments, the more important ones, are truly inspiring. Ditching the meds as your health improves is huge. Being able to run? Wow! And Neil, I understand the CPAP thing. Go you! Stories like yours keep me on track as I fight the good fight. And you’re right, this is a lifelong process. Keep it going!

All the best,

12 years ago

Neil and Lisa!

WOW! I am so proud of you both. I know it takes a lot of dedication. You should be proud of yourselves too. What many don’t understand is diets don’t work, it’s the way of life change that does and it seems you’ve got it.

CONGRATULATIONS! You look fabulous!

12 years ago

Neil & Lisa,

You both looking amazing! You both followed the rules and advice and because of that you got the most of it. Keep up the great work and you both will continue to shine!

12 years ago

Neil & Lisa,

You two have much to be proud of! The transformation is amazing, coming from your neighbor over the fence who hasn’t seen you all winter! I need to get on that exercise bandwagon & get healthy myself. You will be my inspiration!