My name is Kathy. I am married with two girls (ages 15 and 12). I have been overweight my entire life, with periods that I lose weight and then gain it back and then some. I have battling this for many years and the time finally had arrived that I needed to do something about it. I became the heaviest that I ever had been in my entire life. It was affecting my most basic of daily life activities. It became difficult to walk, breath, cook, clean, shop, garden, sleep, etc. I had trouble walking to see my children play basketball without getting out of breath. I knew that my weight was the root of all my problems and needed to do something about it. I ran into a friend and co-worker who had been successful at weight loss and asked him how he did this. I thought he had gastric by-pass, but found he had not. I had explored that option, but did not want to go down that road. He told me about Dr. Scinta and the Medical Weight Loss Program. I went to an informational night and made up my mind that I wanted to do this. I felt it was my last chance or face an early, untimely death.
I started on the partial program before Christmas, knowing that the Christmas holiday would be too difficult to do the full program. I managed to lose weight before the holiday and maintain that loss during the holiday. After the first of the year I started on the full program. I never swayed from the full program, only drinking shakes and eating protein bars. I wasn’t hungry and the pounds melted away. I needed a quick reward and loss to begin feeling better. I did 12 or so weeks on full and then started transition.
I continue on transition with one shake a day. I have lost over 90 pounds. I am breathing better, walking better, moving better, and every day things get so much easier. I was back to clearing out my gardens, weeding, planting flowers, mulching, trimming, and enjoying every minute of it. I can walk distances without tiring and can enjoy my family and children every so much more!
I continue to make healthy food choices and am happy about it. I get excited about the summer season with fresh vegetables and fruit grown locally. I have gained a new appreciation for the taste of healthy foods and plan to continue to make these choices to enjoy many more years of my life and family. Dr. Scinta and staff are a great team and their enthusiasm makes you want to continue on this road. It is such a better road to be on!!!!