Patient Stories

Judy and Christy’s Weight Loss Success

before and after for weight loss patients, Judy and Christy


“During these bleak days of self-quarantining and threats of Covid-19, Dr. Wendy Scinta has continued to work and care for her many patients at Medical Weight Loss of NY. She is the ONLY doctor who has ever tested my hormone levels and determined what my body was lacking. She set me up on a program that has increased my awareness, brightened my moods, brought about a 35-pound weight loss, and helped me get the much-needed sleep my body requires! With the now-necessary day-after-day disinfecting and gloves and masks the norm, her tireless work is certainly appreciated.

I am now doing “phone visits” when I can, but do understand that isn’t always possible and that some patients feel the need to be seen. Dr. Scinta is always available, and I commend her continued upholding of the “Hypocratic Oath” she took, even while this virus is all around us. She is an essential part of all her patients’ lives, a dedicated and caring physician who makes each patient feel special. She works through whatever comes her way at the profession she loves and has been trained to do. “Job well done, Dr. Scinta!”

Judy Dannible


Over the past two years, I have been reminded countless times that Dr. Wendy Scinta truly IS an angel here on earth–I definitely don’t know what I–or countless others would do without her. Today, was no exception.

For a girl who’s life has been nothing but N99 masks; limited exposure; hand sanitizer; and social distancing for the last four-five years due to acute myeloid leukemia FLT3, an allogeneic bone marrow transplant, immunosuppression, as well as being immunocompromised, you can imagine how terrifying this whole COVID-19 pandemic has been. I spend literally 90% of my life in either hospitals, cancer centers or doctors’ offices. So when I tell you, I, for one, appreciate all the essential healthcare workers–especially Dr. Wendy Scinta and her amazing staff–who are going the extra mile to BE THERE FOR AND GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO PROTECT ME because I’m extremely high-risk: I mean it from the bottom of my heart!

Just when I think Dr. Scinta couldn’t possibly impress me more, she proves me wrong again! With so many of our lives up in the air, knowing that she is still there for any of our health needs definitely gives me huge peace of mind. She has been in constant contact with us during these uncertain times with informative e-mail blasts; reassuring social-media posts; and encouraging telemedicine calls. However, I have been most-impressed by the stringent measures she implemented immediately to protect both her valued staff members and patients to keep things running as safely as possible. From the repeated temperature checks before entry into the office and wearing of masks and gloves; to the limiting of patient traffic and being even more-diligent than usual about sanitizing door handles, entryways–pretty much the whole office–for the continued health of all to even offering curbside gloved-and-masked B Vitamin and Lipotropic shots, as well as food and supplement delivery, which I experienced firsthand today.

So thank you, Dr. Scinta for noticing during my scheduled telemedicine call today that your usually upbeat-and-positive patient was seriously struggling. After a series of questions, you were able to pinpoint immediately why I felt myself “deteriorating” to the point where I couldn’t even get out of bed; was constantly exhausted and going weeks sleeping only an hour a night. I had been missing my weekly B Vitamin and Lipotropic Shots. Mainly, because except for one mandatory oncology visit, my Mom had me sequestered in the house.

So bundled in my usual get-up, my Mom and I made our way to your office. Parked. Called into the office; and in seconds out came our food, supplements and shots. Besides the masks, gloves, and jackets, things felt pretty normal! Kudos to you guys! You’ve got things running like clockwork.

Thanks, as always, for the peace of mind; confidence to venture out; your listening ear; and always being there for your patients even if the rest of the world is “off.” Thank you will probably NEVER be enough. You are THE ONLY doctor of your kind in THE STATE and vital to New York’s well-being. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say: I cannot thank you enough for all you do, especially during the days of this COVID-19 pandemic.

Christy Dannible

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